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兔子故事 - 米寶

2012-2-5 10:11 PM| 發佈者: Admin| 查看: 1229| 評論: 0|原作者: HKRS


最近,兔協的棄兔大軍增加了一位年紀不輕的成員,牠的名字是「米寶」。八歲的米寶是一隻淺啡色的賓尼兔,因患有白內障而失去視力。在前主人家裡牠只有日本糧作為主食,從沒有未吃過草,飲食習慣絕對談不上健康。由於米寶年紀較大,雙目失明,缺乏安全感,我們擔心牠不能適應新環境之餘,更希望幫牠重新建立良好的飲食習慣,便安排暫養家庭照顧牠。在悉心的照顧下,米寶不但適應了新環境,還逐步以timothy hay取代日本糧成為日常主食,吃得越來越健康。



Recently, we have received an abandoned lop who is 8 years old,called “米寶”. As he has cataract, so he has totally lost his sight.What’s more, he has never try timothy hay before. His former masteronly fed him some Japanese Brand Pellets as principal food!
We concerned much that 米寶is an aged lop, and his former diet habitis not so satisfactory, so we arranged a provisional foster family totake care him. It is glad that he can adapt to the new environment, andhis unsatisfactory diet habit has gradually changed under the care ofprovisional foster family. He now takes timothy hay as his principalfood and enjoys his new life much.
However, it is not every aged rabbit can easily adapt to newenvironment. Elder rabbits usually have lower adaptability andresistance against diseases. If you abandon an elder rabbit, it may bea great disaster to the rabbit. To site a case, there was a lop called煲煲abandoned by his master before. He was 9 years old and arranged toprovisional foster family as well. He could not adapt to newenvironment. Head tilt problem occurred after living at provisionalfoster home for a week, even received proper medical treatment, he dead2 days after having head tilt problem.
What a rabbit need is so simple! They just need a space for activityand sleeping, unlimited proper hays and your care. Do not give up yourrabbit so easily. And, the story of 米寶teaches us one more thing that “if we don’t give up, even a bad diet habit for 8 years, can also becorrected gradually. “By the implication of story, please do not giveyourselves any excuse to abandon your rabbit or give up teaching it agood habit. All problems can be solved if you are determined.







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