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2012-3-17 09:57 AM| 發佈者: Admin| 查看: 6545| 評論: 0|原作者: Dr. Colt Ma

Case- From time to time, rabbits are presented for corneal ulceration secondary to trauma
from hay stems or corneal abrasions due to environmental irritation from dusts and
chemicals. Many owners report their rabbits have an acute onset of eye problem.

First signs to be noticed, for example, ocular discharge, eyelid swelling, squinting of eye
and photophobia etc. If the problem is left untreated, unilateral hair matting, crusts in
periocular areas and facial pyoderma may happen.

They may show signs of pain such as grooming of the affected eye with fore limb, hiding
and reluctance to move.

In the consultation, I will first of all check for the presence of foreign body under upper,
lower and third eyelid of the patient. If the eyelids are sealed with ocular discharge, they
are gently removed with saline soaked cotton ball. An ophthalmoscope is used to
visualize the cornea, iris, pupil and lens of the eyeball.

Fluorescein stain is used to stain for corneal ulceration which may not be obvious enough
to see without staining. If the test is positive, a fluorescent patch will be evident under
UV light.

Corneal ulceration in rabbits tends to take longer to heal compared to dogs and cats. They
are like horses easily getting melting corneal ulcer. Giving it a month or so to improve is
expected. Some may take up to few months to get better.

Eye drops containing antibiotic, serum and oral medications are prescribed. The role of
antibiotic is to control secondary bacterial infection of the exposed corneal stroma. Serum
eye drop has anti-collagenase effect to prevent melting ulcer. Eye drops have to be
administered every hour which is about 10-12 times daily. They are usually rechecked
every 5-7 days to keep track of the condition.

Owners are advised to keep the patient face clean and dry at home. If the patient is
showing excessive eye rubbing, a buster collar is indicated to prevent further corneal

As corneal ulceration in rabbits can get worse in a short period, it is not recommended
adopt a wait and see approach or self medicating eye drop from pharmacy without
consulting your rabbit veterinarians. If left untreated, your rabbit eye may get to a stage
that the globe is infected which may eventually need enucleation to keep it pain-free and
possible infection tracking back to the brain.






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