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原來兔兔都可以有體外寄生蟲? 兔兔毛皮蟎

2012-5-13 05:57 PM| 發佈者: Admin| 查看: 7813| 評論: 0|原作者: Dr Colt Ma|來自: Dr Colt Ma

Rabbit fur mite 
Cases- Recently, the weather is getting hotter and more humid in summer. 5 out of 10 rabbits presented for routine body check up have fur parasitic infestation. Many of them have fur mites or lice, however, rabbit owners are not aware of as most rabbits are asymptomatic. Some of the owners are referred to me by pet shops or Hong Kong Rabbit Society for diagnosis and treatment.

Fur mites (cheyletiella) live on rabbit epidermis. They are contagious and affecting rabbits, dogs, cats and sometimes humans. They are usually contracted from pet shops,
shelters, boarding, breeders etc. Adult mites are transmitted by direct contact between animals.

Depending on the severity of irritation, rabbits may show signs of itchiness, hair loss, scaling or thickening of skin etc. They are commonly found in intrascapular region and tail base where rabbits cannot reach for grooming. On examination, I mainly look for the presence of dandruff and locate the tiny parasites on hair shaft or skin. If present, they appear as tiny grey dots over white fur background.

For definitive diagnosis, skin debris and fur are collected with acetate tape and glass slide which are then put under the microscope for examination.

Once it is confirmed, they are treated with topical antiparasitic medication which is applied at the back of the neck every 2-4 weeks under veterinary instructions. All rabbitsin the household including dogs and cats are treated, otherwise they may act as a reservoir for re-infestation.

In order to further decontaminate the environment, frequent cleaning of the cage, changing of beddings (avoid using wood shavings), using shredded paper. Regarding grooming tools- combs, brushes should also be disinfected and washed thoroughly.

 I’ve seen owners self-apply topical medications from pet shop or some dog and cat deflea products claimed to be effective against fur mites without knowing the exact active ingredients. Since rabbits are very sensitive to certain chemicals such as fipronil and organophosphate products which may result in seizure or intoxication. Therefore, for the sake of your rabbit health, please consult your rabbit veterinarian for correct medications
and doses.

I strongly advise monthly topical medication as preventative medicine especially in hot and humid weathers. The correct location for topical application is between the shoulder blades where you rabbits cannot lick the medication off easily.






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