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究竟我隻由細養到大的兔仔是否已做絕育, 點解得一邊蛋蛋?

2012-6-2 06:02 PM| 發佈者: Admin| 查看: 5687| 評論: 0|原作者: Dr Colt Ma|來自: Dr Colt Ma

Cases- Once every few months, I do see male rabbits presented for testicular examination as their owners are not sure whether their rabbits are castrated or not. 

The first thing to do is to flip the rabbit over and get its genital exposed. Gently apply pressure to each side of the genital. Male rabbit has a tubular structure with a small opening at the top.

Mature undesexed male rabbits have large testicles on either side of the prepuce. The testicles are “sausage shaped” curving backwards towards the tail. However, some male rabbits do not have descended testicle which are called cryptorchids.

In male rabbits, the testicles are usually descended by 3 months of age. Failure of one or both testes in the scrotum is defined as cryptorchid. Cryptorchid rabbits do not have a developed scrotal sac and the testicle is retained inside the body. Their fertility is
impaired as the relatively high body temperature is not favourable for sperm development. 

Intraabdominal testis palpation is difficult as it is too small or hiddened by surrounding organs. Imaging such as radiography, ultrasonography are limited by the contrast and presence of gas in the caecum.

It is a hereditary problem. Removal of affected male rabbits from breeding is advisable. There is a potential for the retained testis to develop into testicular neoplasia in untreated rabbits. Risk of testicular neoplasia is a few times greater in affected rabbits than in
normal rabbits.

Cryptorchid rabbits should be castrated once they have reached 6 months to 12 months of age. Surgery is performed via an abdominal approach. The time and procedure of surgery is relatively longer and more difficult than the normal routine male castration. First, the bladder is reflected and the ductus deferens are traced which should be connecting to the
intraabdominal testicle. 

All in all, as this condition is uncommon and not easily detected by owners. Please get
your male rabbits checked for the presence of both testicles to make sure he is not a
cryptorchid rabbit by your rabbit veterinarian.








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