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兔兔肚臍有硬塊凸起, 醫生話係臍疝氣(小腸氣)

2012-7-30 11:54 PM| 發佈者: Admin| 查看: 4603| 評論: 0

Cases- Although rabbit umbilical hernia is rarely reported, I’ve seen a number of them in past few years. Last month, a rabbit owner presented a female rabbit with a soft mass on the umbilical area of the abdomen for examination.

Initially the owner was worried about mammary cancer. However, on examination, the mass was not related to any of the mammary gland and tissue whatsoever. The soft tissue feeling mass was adhering to the subcutaneous tissue and muscle of the umbilicus. I tried to reduce it back into the abdomen and around the margin of the mass I could feel a small hole and ring like structure in the muscle layer.

I explained to the rabbit owner that this case was very likely to be an umbilical hernia. It was a surgical case and advised to be done sooner rather than later as that could end up in serious trouble if the gastrointestinal tract herniated through the hole.
Umbilical hernia occurs through the umbilicus. The umbilicus or belly button is where the umbilical cord attaches when baby rabbit is in the uterus. It is usually congenital and caused by abnormal embryogenesis. Small umbilical hernia is often unnoticed until rabbit is presented for body check.

Large hernia should be repaired surgically because there is a risk that the abdominal contents protrude through the hernia and become strangulated (blood supply being cut off) Strangulation of intestinal loops restrict blood flow to the intestine and intestinal
blockage which is life-threatening. Rabbit may be presented for abdominal pain, anorexia, depression or gut stasis. Strangulation is an indication for emergency surgery.

Intraoperatively, an incision is made directly over the umbilicus and the herniated abdominal content is reduced into the abdomen. The defect edges are sutured in a simple interrupted pattern. 3 layers of suture material are placed in order to maintain the strength of the wound. The patient should be kept quiet and a collar put on to prevent wound chewing. The wound is checked for infection or dehiscence regularly.

The prognosis is good and recurrence is not very common. However, if recurrence occurs, it is usually noted within days of surgery.

All in all, if you note a lump over your rabbit abdomen and you are not sure whether it is of mammary, umbilical or dermatological origins, please get your rabbit checked by you rabbit veterinarian to make sure it is not an umbilical hernia which can have life threatening consequences if left untreated.








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