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我隻兔仔屙血小便同埋小便減少 - 兔兔膀胱結石

2014-7-20 10:36 PM| 發佈者: Admin| 查看: 4189| 評論: 0

On average, we are seeing 1-2 rabbits presented for dysuria and haematuria on a monthly basis at Any.Mo Veterinary Hospital.

Rabbit are prone to urolithiasis, as they have an unusual calcium metabolism in that intestinal absorption of calcium does not directly depend on vitamin D. Although the fractional urinary excretion of calcium is less than 2% in most mammals, the range for rabbits is 50%.

Rabbits with either urolithiasis or hypercalciuria often have limited exercise, are fed ad lib pellet and alfalfa hay, not drinking enough water , on excessive mineral blocks etc.

Many of the owners report, they have noted their rabbits drinking less, eating less and peeing less.

Some report, their rabbit urine colour appears red with blood clots or darker or stronger smell than usual. Some of the rabbits may crouch on the toilet without urine production even with the tail up, or lowering down caudal half of the body on the floor.

Other symptoms may include urine scalding, perineal soiling, dermatitis, urine dripping, incontinence etc.

At the veterinary hospital, on physical examination and by palpation, rabbit may have a distended and tensing up bladder. If the cystolith is big enough, that may be palpable through the bladder wall.

Next step of diagnostic would be x-ray. The majority of rabbit cystolith is calcium containing, therefore the chance of revealing radioopaque lesion in the bladder on radiograph is high.

In order to treat the problem, cystotomy is advised. During surgery, the ventral abdomen is clipped and prepared aseptically. Midline incision is made to expose the bladder. Cystolith is removed by forceps or flushing the bladder with normal saline. Depending the the number and size of the lith, surgery time is variable ranging from 40mins to 1.5 hours.

After surgery, some patients may pass bloody urine for a few days as the bladder wall had been incised and sutured up. Wound recovery takes 10-14 days. In the meantime, a neck collar must be put on in order to prevent wound dehiscence from licking induced infection.

Dietary changes are an important part of prevention. The alkaline pH of rabbit urine and the high concentration of calcium in the urine increase the risk of precipitation of solutes. To reduce calcium intake, give timothy grass hay and light green vegetables as the primary diet. Discontinue any vitamin and mineral supplementation. Because many rabbits that develop urolithiasis are overweight, we recommend a decrease in total caloric intake and an increase in exercise.

If you notice any change in your rabbit urination or urine coloration, please bring your rabbit to your veterinarian for urinary system investigation in order to prevent and treat possible urolithiasis.









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