【遊戲介紹 Game Description】

Coin Dozer comes straight from your favorite arcade or fair and onto your Droid!
With over 10,000,000 downloads on iPhone, the REAL coin dozer is finally here!
COIN DOZER comes straight from your favorite arcade or fair park and onto your Droid! The game you’ve spent countless hours playing, now in the palm of your hand! No change needed.
Push shiny coins and exciting prizes into your hands by dropping some from your pocket and into the machine. Watch out though! Try not to push them off the sides and out of your reach. Collect teddy bears, fuzzy dice, sparkling gems and more for special bonuses or even more coins! It’s ok if your coins run out, more will be filling up your pockets very soon! Keep checking back to complete your collection of prizes!
Dont worry, in Coin Dozer there are no annoying slot machines or coin pirates to steal your coins! Relax and enjoy Coin Dozer!
Game includes:
-Impressive 3D graphics
-40 prizes to collect
-Amazingly realistic physics
-Lots of Special Coins and Prizes!
-Lots of special effects
More updates with new features coming soon!
Also get "Coin Dozer: Seasons"
Search Tags: The Original Coin Dozer Arcade Casual Easy Casino State Fair Carnival Festival Vegas Slots Game Games Cash Money Bet Luck Gambling Prize Prizes Not Another Fake Ripoff Coins Chips Poker Gold Royal Score Social Gem Diamond Jackpot Fortune Video Million Billion Tap Single Multiple Chart Top Royale Shop Bonus Facebook Highest Coins Bear Bears Puppies Virtual Pirates Push Pusher Treasure Treasures Collection Gifts Mini Super Birds Horse Frenzy Dog Racer Frog Toss Holiday Halloween Game Circus Leftover Studios

【系統要求 System Requirements】
Android 2.0及以上

【遊戲圖片 Game Screenshots】


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用戶組: 初級會員

帖子: 42|積分: 91

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