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香港愛護動物協會即將舉辦慈善首映《森美海底歷險2》, 為協會教育活動籌款, 讓年輕一代及大眾建立關心動物及尊重生命的觀念, 使關懷動物成為香港的文化. 除了森美、杜汶澤、鄭丹瑞和盧覓雪繼續一起歷險外, 今集還有盧海鵬和金剛的加入, 強大的配音陣容, 帶你再次探索海底世界!
快購票支持! 既可為推動愛護動物的教育出一分力, 又可與子女或朋友歡度暑假, 一舉兩得!
詳情: http://www.spca.org.hk/chi/news/201207/sammy2.asp
Charity Premiere: Sammy 2 in 3D
SPCA is proud to host the Charity Premiere of Sammy 2 in 3D! The purpose is to raise fund for Animal Welfare Education, which cultivates the spirit of concern for animals and respect for life among young people and the general public in Hong Kong. The amazing dubbing team: Sammy Leung (森美), Chapman To (杜汶澤) and King Kong (金剛) and more, will surely give you a marvelous experience under the ocean. Buy tickets now! Enjoy the movie and support SPCA’s Animal Welfare Education!
Detail: http://www.spca.org.hk/eng/news/201207/sammy2.asp

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