本帖最後由 kalunkwok 於 2009-6-23 03:32 PM 編輯

she sit a few hours la~she don`t move~sometimes don`t eat food~sometimes after she eat food she will 嘔T~T

her leg now very 緊急~I can saw her leg 骨 have blood~

Photo-0092.jpg (48.45 KB, 下載次數: 58)


Photo-0094.jpg (40.7 KB, 下載次數: 61)


Photo-0095.jpg (29.65 KB, 下載次數: 58)


wesky 2009-6-23 12:47:14 PM
If no medication is provided, it will probably....
Where did you buy it?
kalunkwok 2009-6-23 12:52:01 PM
本帖最後由 kalunkwok 於 2009-6-23 12:55 PM 編輯
If no medication is provided, it will probably....
Where did you buy it?
wesky 發表於 2009-6-23 12:47 PM

mk...I love rabbxx~
0772 2009-6-23 12:52:13 PM
If no medication is provided, it will probably....
Where did you buy it?
wesky 發表於 2009-6-23 12:47 PM

kalunkwok 2009-6-23 12:55:32 PM
0772 發表於 2009-6-23 12:52 PM

babebabebaby 2009-6-23 01:43:55 PM
帶佢去睇醫生啦 ....
kalunkwok 2009-6-23 03:19:57 PM
帶佢去睇醫生啦 ....
babebabebaby 發表於 2009-6-23 01:43 PM

very expensive?
babebabebaby 2009-6-23 03:22:51 PM
無論你養左佢幾多日 睇醫生幾多錢都要睇架喇
佢都係一條生命 !!!
kalunkwok 2009-6-23 03:32:01 PM
1# kalunkwok

Photo-0095.jpg (29.65 KB, 下載次數: 60)


kalunkwok 2009-6-23 03:34:16 PM
本帖最後由 kalunkwok 於 2009-7-8 02:29 AM 編輯

8# babebabebaby
where?how much~:054:
TinG 2009-6-23 04:24:08 PM
10# kalunkwok

AROUND $ 230 - 300
TinG 2009-6-23 04:30:26 PM
你 d 木康鋪得太多
+ 上你用玻璃/ 膠箱
仲熱 tim
我有 d 懷疑佢中左暑.
吾食野 同 訓 , 都係徵狀之一
最差既打算 , 就係佢有 cancer .
佢好瘦呀 . .  .
kalunkwok 2009-6-23 04:43:29 PM
12# TinG
this is another tank.and may be it is a baby only...very small~may be she is very hot la~thanks
Winnie 2009-6-23 10:27:08 PM
you said 'I can saw her leg 骨 have blood'?
you must book the vet who can treat hamster first , the booking may be few days later, and change the cage, it's too hot ! If the hamster looks better, you can cancel the booking.
By the way, take to see vet is the best.
kalunkwok 2009-6-26 12:22:20 PM
本帖最後由 kalunkwok 於 2009-7-8 02:14 AM 編輯
you said 'I can saw her leg 骨 have blood'?
you must book the vet who can treat hamster first , the booking may be few days later, and change the cage, it's too hot ! If the hamster looks better, you ...
Winnie 發表於 2009-6-23 10:27 PM

no need la T~T she dead in that day T~T


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