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三隻可愛兔兔的生活片段!!! 必看!!!
hkrchei2 2010-6-6 07:33:27 PM
唔好用網底丫~~#^62^# #^62^# #^62^#


仲有磨牙石添... 我暈了~!#^50^# #^50^# #^50^#

[ 本帖最後由 hkrchei2 於 2010-6-6 07:34 PM 編輯 ]
kolgnat 2010-6-6 07:47:24 PM
兩大隻兔兔屈係一個籠度..廁所又冇, 又用底網#^20^#
3littlerabbits 2010-6-6 10:54:24 PM
不知道....磨牙石不可用???寵物店職員建議用 wor!
katy)) 2010-6-7 10:20:56 AM
磨牙石是不需的~ 日常食草量已經足夠磨牙,另外如果想買零食比佢,草磚是一個不錯的選擇^^

職員建議用... 梗係啦, 想賺你錢丫ma~~~#^31^#
ssc314 2010-6-7 05:56:04 PM
睇黎你都係要黎呢到吸收多d iformation
3littlerabbits 2010-6-7 08:37:26 PM
Thanks for the responses! Rabbits need to chew, both for physical and psychological reasons. As long as the materials provided to rabbits are non-poisonous and not harmful, there is no problem..as told by the professionals.
otola 2010-6-8 10:06:11 AM
how come you know the stone is non-poisonous and not harmful ?

you try it or have lab test ??

If not sure, please stop using it.
Maggie)) 2010-6-8 01:17:24 PM
原帖由 3littlerabbits 於 2010-6-7 08:37 PM 發表
Thanks for the responses! Rabbits need to chew, both for physical and psychological reasons. As long as the materials provided to rabbits are non-poisonous and not harmful, there is no problem..as  ...

就算佢non-poisonous and not harmful........問題係,你食d石頭入去,你個胃會唔會有事丫﹖你估兔兔係雞呀…雞先要食石粒仔........一d常識都無﹗:052: :052: :052:

3littlerabbits 2010-6-10 12:53:55 PM
Don't worry, Otola! My rabbits lost interest in it long long time ago! So I've stopped giving them now..Yup, you're right! Nobody wishes to do any harm to his/her pet. We must be sure what we give to our rabbits!

磨牙石=雞食d石粒仔??? 磨牙石 are of varied qualities..We may find some best quality ones which are in fact made of natural wood... but... of cubed shapes.. it's still called 磨牙石.....磨牙石 is just a name that we call only......like we provide our rabbits 草磚, we aren't really giving them 磚 頭 to chew on, right?
3littlerabbits 2010-6-10 01:16:05 PM
Mini-house, 一個充滿愛的地方, 著重人與人之間的互助互愛、互相尊重、互相包容及體諒, 這是參與討論的"一d常識".. ^^
otola 2010-6-14 12:15:03 PM
不用講 "人與人之間的互助互愛、互相尊重、互相包容及體諒"  這些表面話,
在乎的只是 愛和尊重兔兔的生命, 不是人,

真的不明, 用"雞食d石粒" /natural wood / 草磚" , 想帶出什麼道理 ...

natural wood , 同樣地, 某d無良心商人當然註明天然, 用來騙人

如果知道草枝的功效, 就會知道什麼是多餘物資

這是我最后一個回复, 牛皮燈籠我不懂點, 但願兔兔健康成長,

[ 本帖最後由 otola 於 2010-6-14 12:20 PM 編輯 ]
Maggie)) 2010-6-14 02:19:53 PM
nobody wishes to do any harm to his/her pet.  u are right, but 商人唔會理佢地出果d野係唔係harm to our pets 佢地只會理,有無錢賺...........

正如otola的話﹕「這是我最后一個回复, 牛皮燈籠我不懂點, 但願兔兔健康成長」 也是我想講的話﹗
3littlerabbits 2010-6-17 10:02:42 PM
"人與人之間的互助互愛、互相尊重、互相包容及體諒"  是表面話嗎?, 請注意!!! 這正正是本論譠的宗旨 .....「一d常識都無!」?  說此話者請自我反思,何謂尊重別人? 如果期望每個人的認知及意見是一致,那討論區的設立意義何在?連最基本尊重別人的風度也不 懂,更遑論教別人怎樣尊重小動物的生命!


[ 本帖最後由 3littlerabbits 於 2010-6-17 10:06 PM 編輯 ]


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