


當我第一次聽到Kenny, Oliver及Evan的故事時,不禁心頭一酸。

Kenny, Oliver及Evan是這個故事的三位主角,牠們本身是混種侏儒兔。剛出生就連同兔媽媽一起被主人遺棄到本會。兔兔沒有一個安穩的家,又沒有主人的疼愛關懷,這本來已經足夠叫人心痛。可是,沒想到的是這三隻只有約三個月大的兔寶寶原來都患有嚴重腳疾,每次一想到牠們未來還有漫長的歲月時,都會有種難以釋懷的感覺。




Kenny, Oliver and Evan are 4 months old rabbits. They have a very sad story as they are not only abandoned by the owner, but also have serious problem on their legs.

The right legs of Kenny and Evan are horizontally bend outward. The Vet told us that their thighbone and shank bone are not being well-connected. It may be an inherent problem or being hurt by their mother when they just born to the world. To have a better understanding of the situation of Kenny and Evan, we took them to visit another vet for second opinion. Both vets suggested that there are two ways to improve the situation of Kenny and Evan. One is to cut off their right legs. The other is to reconnect the bone of thigh and shank. Once they are 5-6 months old, we will confirm which operation will be better for them depend on their situations. For the situation of Oliver, both of his legs have problems. We will also seek opinion from vet when he becomes 5-6 months old.  It is most likely that he needs to have operation as well. At this moment, we still cannot confirm how much are these 3 operations, but we hope that you can contribute to their medical treatments. Please also send Kenny, Evan and Oliver blessings; we all hope that they can get well soon.

syt174698 2013-1-25 07:57:42 PM
DomDomPig 2013-1-25 05:07:57 PM
想捐錢, 可以點捐?
Insomniahk 2013-1-25 02:35:48 PM


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