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lela https://petkd.com/?3402


已有 337 人來訪過

  • Working hard for it. hope I can go to Juilliard at the age of 15 回復
  • studying I have Exam >< 回復
  • haha I love playing the games in ziziland 回復
  • 聽日測驗 後日又測驗 cry cry O my god 回復
  • 真實姓名lela
  • 性別
  • 生日2010 年 7 月 4 日
  • 出生地海外 美國
  • 居住地香港-九龍西 九龍城區
  • 交友目的...
  • 自我介紹I have a lot of pets.
  • 興趣愛好violin
    horse riding
    water sports


  • lela 上傳了新圖片 6-3 15:19
  • lela 上傳了新圖片 6-3 15:17
  • lela 上傳了新圖片 2-18 17:30
  • lela 上傳了新圖片 2-18 17:30
  • lela 上傳了新圖片 2-18 17:30
  • lela 上傳了新圖片 2-18 17:30


ADD OIL FOR EXAM 2010-12-06
I don't know how many of you are having exam. If you aren't , we still need to add oil to achieve to goals in our heart. If you are having examinatio ...
快D來睇la 我D相呀 2010-11-01
Come and see my picture la. All of are surely welcome + http://zizi-land.info/thread-6201-1-1.html post ur ideas here thx


Happy 2010-03-29
My new hamster is one month old now. (I buy one boy and one girl) I really want them to give birth to bb er... ^^
HAPPY 2010-02-21
My mother will buy three hamsters for me    HAPPY


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lela 2011-8-21 01:07:52 PM
nono i am call linda
sweety 2011-8-17 06:16:55 PM
lela: I have facebook, i will add you :D
you are D ? (searge)  
sweety 2011-8-17 02:41:39 PM
lela , do you have facebook ? i want to add you.   i'm Wendy leung  ( searge ) ( no photo )
ada 2011-7-6 03:08:01 PM
happy birthday !!! ^.^
apple1686bb 2011-5-15 07:38:04 PM
lela: i want ur facebook ah
[email protected]
lamlam 2010-7-23 02:34:57 PM
What are you going to do in this summer
asd26900200 2010-6-15 10:03:34 PM
asd26900200 2010-6-14 07:33:17 PM


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